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Im Jahr 1998 fiel drei jungen Urologen auf, dass in Vorlesungen und Fortbildungsveranstaltungen immer wieder bestimmte Artikel aus der urologischen Weltliteratur zitiert werden, diese ‚Klassiker' aber an keiner Stelle übersichtlich zusammengegefaßt zu finden sind. So entstand die Idee zu dem Buch ‚Classic Papers in Urology', das bis zum heutigen Tag mehr als 6.000 mal verkauft wurde.

Dr. Elmar Gerharz und die beiden Londoner Kollegen Mark Emberton und Tim O'Brien gliederten die Urologie in 13 Bereiche und luden internationale Experten auf dem jeweiligen Gebiet ein, die zehn wichtigsten Publikationen aller Zeiten zu identifzieren und zu kommentieren.

Es entstand eine einmalige Sammlung von Texten, die auch heute noch von vielen Urologen im englischsprachigen Raum zur Vorbereitung der Facharztprüfung benutz wird. Das Buch wurde damals in den Fachzeitschriften ausgesprochen gut aufgenommen.

Donald E. Novicki, M.D., Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Scottsdale Arizona (Journal of Urology):

I had trouble putting this book down, which is a compliment for a urology textbook. The editors assigned 15 topics to experts who selected the 10 most important publications in their subject area, and no restraints were imposed on the date, size or source of the citations. Most experts selected relatively contemporary literature but a few went back to the first half of the twentieth century. Almost all citations were pertinent and a few were surprising but the experts made good cases for all choices. A standard brief format is provided that summarizes, lists parallel articles for comparison and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each article. Also, a ranking of manuscripts based on the number of times each has been cited in the world urology literature is provided. Overall, this enjoyable text is useful for anyone with an interest in the history of urology and is a must for the novice urologist who wishes to be aquainted with our urological forefathers.

Tim Hargreaves, FRCS, University of Edinburgh (British Journal of Urology International):

Classic Papers in Urology provides 'capsule' reviews of recent important papers. The book is divided into 15 sections, according to various subdisciplines within urology and each section is edited by one or two experts, who have been asked to choose the papers they considered to be the most important. Each paper is summarized and in each case the section editors indicate why the paper is important. At the end of the book there is a list of urological papers graded by citation frequency, but what makes this book very interesting is that the papers that have been chosen by the section editors are not necessarily those most frequently cited. The book will be of interest to experts, who will be able to debate at length the merits of the various papers selected, and no doubt indicate papers that should have been included. The book will be of value for anybody who is beginning subspecialization because it gives a good indication of key papers in the field with which they should be familiar. The book will be of value to those urological trainees preparing for examinations for the same reason. In these times of the explosion of information and technology it is now possible to search databases of millions of references and to download hundreds of citations; it is becoming increasingly difficult to see the wood for the trees. This book helps and I would recommend that it should be in most medical libraries; many practicing urologists and urological researchers will want to own a copy. What will be interesting is to see whether publication of this book, or similar reference review books, alters citation indices!

D.A. Tolley, FRCS, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh (British Journal of Surgery):

This book offers 150 papers selected by 21 authors from Europe and the United States of America. It covers such diverse topics as Young's original description of posterior urethral valves and the dis-covery that prostate specific antigen based screening increases the detection of organ confined prostate cancer. Some of the reviews of the classic papers are excellent as they provide a comprehensive precis in addition to the strengths, weakness and relevance of the paper. However there are other reviews that are less comprehensive, where the reader might be forgiven for wondering if the reviewer had even read the original article. This is the sort of book that should appear in the departmental library. Those sort of topics for teaching sessions would find plenty of material here. It should stimulate urologists of all ages to re-read many of the seminal papers in urology that have formed the basis for so much of our practice which is now taken for granted.

Bob Djavan, M.D., Ph.D., University of Vienna (UroHealth.Org Web Site):

As we are entering the new millenium, our views and expectations as well as the needs of our patients have evolved. No longer do we rely on a single person's experience or teachings and no longer do our patients rely on a single opinion only. Indeed, evidence based medicine is required and employed. Data, experiences and views from a global perspective are to be translated to an individual patient and case. Evidence based medicine is, however, strongly dependent upon the current published literature available today to everybody, everywhere.

Classic Papers in Urology summarizes some of the finest publications in urology which can and should be considered state of the art articles. Even if the number of publications and references to specific issues exceed the 100s for any subject, the urologist and specifically the young urologists are confronted with partly contradictory statements and views. This book will allow the reader to gain a certain objectivity to key issues ranging from prostatic disease to uro-oncology, female and pediatric urology. Although the selected papers herein are limitd to the authors's personal judgement. It appears to me that strongly unbiased attitude was adopted.

The manuscripts include historical papers that will allow a comparison of trends to key studies that still have new value in our every day practice. All papers referenced are discussed critically with sections as 'why it's important', 'strengths', 'weaknesses' and finally 'relevance'. The reader is thus confronted 'scientifically' with old and new information and can 'import' the information or the key message to his clinical practice.

Undoubtedly, many other outstanding studies and papers are missing but overall the authors have succeeded in creating an overview of the old and the new, where old papers meet new studies with the purpose of giving the reader a better understanding of current clinical problems. Manuscripts such as the first description of the AUA symptom score or the first percutaneous stone procedure, or the use of BCG for bladder carcinoma will allow the reader to visit a century of history and develop-ment in urology. The contributing reviewers are more than qualified to judge upon the historical value of the selected papers and even their opinion and criticism of the papers presented hererin deserve by itself attention.

I would recommend with enthusiasm every urologist to read this outstanding book, which is not only an overview on the 'history of urology' but also a textbook of clinical urology in a certain way. All authors and contributors should be complimented for their work and for this valuable addition to the urological literature.

"Ich konnte das Buch kaum aus der Hand legen, das ist ein großes Kompliment für ein urologisches Lehrbuch" Donald E. Novicki, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale"